Vax Card-igans
Blue Moon
With bars requiring proof of vaccination to enter, we created a holiday sweater that served dual purpose.
One part holiday sweater, one part vax card holder, it’s everything we never knew we would need in 2021.
Blue Moon is primarily consumed at bars and restaurants, so we wanted to find a way to make celebrating the holidays with a Blue Moon beer safer and easier. We produced more than 500 vax card-igans, selling out twice. On a budget of only $37,000, we received 250MM earned media impressions.
One part holiday cardigan,
one part vax card holder,
one sweater to brighten
the holiday season.
Clients: Blue Moon, Senior Copywriter: Mackenzie Hart, Senior Art Director: Helen Rieger, Designers: Sabrina Saccente & Victoria Di Valerio, Executive Creative Directors: Bianca Guimaraes & Kevin Mulroy,